
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Prayer to the Directions

Here is a prayer I wrote when I was studying with a Lakota Sioux medicine woman grandmother: 

 Invocation to the Directions

Spirit of the East, Wabun, I call you 
Air and Breeze help breathe me 
Eagle and all wind riders 
Please help me walk the Sacred Way.

Spirit of the South, Shawnodese, I call you 
Fire flower please blossom in my soul 
Cougar, Wolf, Coyote, Mouse, 
Please help me walk the Sacred Way.

Spirit of the West, Mudjekeewis, 
And element of Water, I call you
My heart aches and tears fall for what has been. 
I ask to feel all that has been and all that there is. 
Whale and Bear, I ask you, 
Please help me walk the Sacred Way.

Spirit of the North, Waboose, 
And element of Earth, I call you 
Please help me stand and deeply listen 
Great Ones, White Buffalo, Elk, please aid me 
Help me walk the Sacred Way.

Spirit Above, Father Sky, I feel you 
Your sunlight warms and lightens me. 
Thank you for your blessings 
Please help me walk the Sacred Way.

Spirit Below, Mother Earth, I come to you
With all my heart I ask to receive you 
Please take me into the Quiet and help me Walk the Sacred Way.

Spirit Within, I AM, I call you 
Please merge me with Great Spirit's intention 
Deeply and buoyantly let us travel 
Please remind me that I AM the Sacred Way

O Great Masters I invoke you 
Christed friends and spirit allies I honor you 
Thank you for loving me and reminding me of the Sacred Way.

—Ayleyaell Kinder “TurtleDove,” October 1996

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