
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Don't wait to regain the Good Qualities of Babies

"So if, before the end, you can regain that same state of babyhood that was in you at birth, if you can regain those same qualities, then you will commune once again with God. You will embrace everyone, as a baby does, showing the same love for all without any differences. Only that infant state will earn you the right to speak with God. That is the quality we start off with, and we must end up with the same quality."
--Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, Sufi Sheikh

 I read the following quote on Facebook and was moved to reply:

One doesn't have to wait til the end their days to regain the good qualities of babyhood such as the ability to embrace everyone joyously and show the same love for all without any differences and to commune and speak with God, as the honored Sufi speaks of in his quote above.

I recommend that my clients recall or watch a sleeping infant and remind them that babies breathe with their entire body, and that they can regain that ability; with it comes a centeredness and a willing to experience, and an increasing ability to be in the now.
I recommend that my clients recall or watch a sleeping infant and remind them that babies breathe with their entire body, and that they can regain that ability; with it comes a centeredness and a willing to experience, and an increasing ability to be in the now.

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